About Us

Sustainable operational local, empowering employees and flowing raw materials, quality service delivery.

For more than sixty (60) years after the independence of countries, Africa incurs or loses about 952.5 billion dollars a year, which (eastern Africa suffers the highest at 264.9 billion dollars) related directly to mismanagement of agricultural infrastructures and production enough to feed the entire continent and the globe. Food costs raise hunger, diseases, unemployment, poverty, and crime burden on African governments.

Our Committment

Global Creative Enterprises commitment is to bring different approaches to curve some of these issues such as Appropriate Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation. Emphasizing infrastructures of storage of raw products processing, packaging, shipping/delivery, logistics (Distribution), power water, irrigation systems, and recycling systems.

Who We Are

Global Creative Enterprises is an international enterprise involved in economic development and humanitarian assistance around the world GCE works in symbiosis with governments in need of specific socioeconomic assistance

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower the youth, farmers, cooperatives, and organizations in building a foundation for resilience and inclusive socio-economic growth to achieve this goal, GCE will focus its programming around the following development objectives through a system of agro-processing: development of warehouses, appropriate technologies for African agricultural transformation of raw products, irrigation system, recycling, logistics power water


Global Creative Enterprises will be the foremost leader that pioneers and engineers the latest agro-technological breakthrough to propel the development of agro-industry in Africa

Estimation of Employment

Global Creative Enterprises aims to build leadership, and resilience by helping African youth and farmers achieve their dreams at home and adapt to global economic, technological, and climate change. The estimated employment is about (5000 people) in two years of uninterrupted operation. AGRO-PROCESSING will be the vehicle to prepare African youth and farmers in leadership for the global economic challenges facing African countries.